Friday, July 26, 2013

The Glory in a Purge. A Variation of Project 10 Pan

This summer I've been working to purge my under bathroom counter of various bits and pieces of products that have been living there and my dorm bathroom for quite some time.

I haven't been restricting myself (clearly) from buying other bobs and bits. However, the feeling of seeing a bathroom storage container being filled up with products that I've been staring at for much longer than necessary is quite nice.

We all have those products that just won't finish (Mane & Tail conditioner!) and you are really sick of looking at them. I highly highly recommend doing a bathroom or make-up products purge. If you set your mind to using up products, it is much more exciting when you finally get through them as opposed to mindlessly tossing the empty container into the trash can.

At the end of the summer, right before I head back up the mountain for college, I will be doing a (hopefully massive) post of everything I managed to finish up this summer (that I didn't accidentally throw away).

Has anyone else every gone on a purging of their bathroom or make-up set up? Whether it was cleaning out older products that had no business being there or working to use some stuff up.

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